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Minggu, 28 Februari 2010


below is a video technique purse seine fishing equipment

OverviewA purse seine is made of a long wall of netting framed with floatline and leadline (usually, of equal or longer length than the former) and having purse rings hanging from the lower edge of the gear, through which runs a purse line made from steel wire or rope which allow the pursing of the net. For most of the situation, it is the most efficient gear for catching large and small pelagic species that is shoaling.Plan

Handling EquipmentSmall purse seines can be operated entirely by hand in small scale fisheries. In artisanal or semi-industrial fisheries, the purse seine handling equipment may include: a purse seine winch or a capstan, a purse line reel, a brailer and a power block and in some fisheries, a net drum. In industrial purse seine fishery, the basic equipment include, in general: a hydraulic power block, a powerful purse seine winch, a number of derricks, including a brailer or a fish pump, and small winches, an auxiliary boat "skiff" and sometimes, an helicopter.Vessel OverviewThe purse seine can be used by a large range of vessel sizes, ranging from open boats and canoes up to large ocean going vessels. The purse seines can be operated by one or two boats. Most usual is a purse seine operated by a single boat, purse seiner, with or without an auxiliary skiff. Fish OperationSearching for fish aggregation, then checking (when possible) the fish species and evaluating school sizes and its catchability, prior to surrounding it is the major part of a purse seine operation. The purse seine is set around a detected school of fish. After that, the net is closed underneath the school by hauling the purse line running through the rings (pursing). Hydroacoustic instruments, like sonars are important tools to locate fish aggregations. Also common is the use of "natural" signs of fish aggregations (often observed with binoculars) to start with the fishing operation, like concentration of sea birds, ruffling of the water surface and presence of groups of dolphins. Artificial "Fish Aggregating Devices" (FAD's) and light attractions are used in some fisheries to concentrate the fish.Target SpeciesAggregated pelagic species (schools) of all sizes from small sardines to the large tunas ( Skipjack tuna , Yellowfin tuna ).Water Area OverviewAll over the world.Gear EnvironmentIn general the purse seines are surface gears used in the marine coastal and high-sea waters. Aggregated resources in the upper levels are most common, but fish at depths up to 300 m can be targeted. The purse seines are also used in inland areas when there is enough room for the operation of a large net).ImpactsEnvironmental Because of its characteristics there is no impact on the bottom habitat (except when the water depth is less than the height of the seine during the fishing operations and that the lower edge of the gear wipes the sea bottom).Species The main negative impact is the incidental capture of dolphins in certain fishing areas. Special techniques have been developed to reduce bycatch of dolphins; the Medina panel and "back down" operation, which allow encircled dolphins to escape alive. When small pelagic purse seines are used with light attraction, there may be incidental catch/bycatch (including too small fish, juveniles or endangered species). The increasingly used practice of encircling floating objects, including man-made FADs increases the capture of small sized and immature aggregating around such devices.


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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


is the fishing equipment consists of a bamboo-shaped structure that is attached to a square that stands firmly on the waters. In the middle part of the building known as the net attached to Wareng tastes vary depending on the size of the owner with a net 0.4 cm eyes, usually size 7 x 7 meters.
This tool basically consists of building the chart made of bamboo / wood, net square tied to the frame made of bamboo / wood. On four sides there are a few bamboo sticks / wooden cross and the crosses are intended to strengthen the foundation of the chart. In the middle of the building there dibagian chart house building that serves as a place of rest, protection from light rain and a place to see the fish / catch. On top of this building there is a roller (a kind of player) is made of bamboo / wood that serves to pull the net.
Generally the fishing equipment is measuring 9 x 9 meters, while the height of the bottom waters average 12 meters, thus, the depth of water to the mounting location of the fishing equipment is on average at a depth of 8 meters, but in certain areas there is installed at a depth of 15 meters, because the basic thrust into the waters of the sea floor on which the chart is penancapan pole base mud containing water mixed with sand.
Net position of the chart is located at the bottom of the chart structure tied to the frame of bamboo / wooden square. Bamboo frame / timber is connected to the rope on each side that serves to pull the net. On the fourth side is weighted nets that served to drown the net and gave the position a better net for the water.
To attract the attention of the fish to gather at the bottom chart, fishermen generally use a light amount varies petromaks a 2-5 fruit.
The first step in operating this tool is to lower the net and then put lights directly above the position Nets (Wareng). After a few hours later (about 4 hours) or taken for a lot of fish that gather under the Bagan net withdrawals from done. Withdrawals made by rotating the roller slowly and after a bit close to the surface net is lifted net so quickly that the net up and catch up trapped in it. After the nets were raised, the catch is done by taking menggunak dustpan (net of long-stemmed). And so on, if you want to arrest operation was resumed, then the net lowered back into the water as before. In one night, could arrest operation carried out up to three times a month depending age.
Because the chart attached to the bottom waters, which means the depth of the sea where the operation of this tool is very limited in shallow water.
This tool can be used effectively during a dark month for catching the target will be attracted to light during the dark Petromaks and gathered under the chart (on the net).
Results are means of catching fish that usually live in groups such as Amendments fish, fish ciu, Kepetek fish, fish-sized fish such as swordfish, Brengkes fish, squid (squid), shrimp, and so on.

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010


Caring for roses is not too difficult because real interest does not require much maintenance. At times one or two months after planting, the plants should be watered the roses every day on a regular basis.

In the morning we have to flush the soil only to be absorbed into the bottom. Then in the afternoon when the sun was not so visible we do watering on the leaves.
But after a period of two months, the roses do not need watered more often, just one day or every other day. When the roses are blooming do not forget to trim tree branches that are dry are intended to make the roses bloom more often in the branches of new growth.
But the branches that have been cut do not immediately removed because the branches that can be replanted elsewhere. It also cut the fruit branches that lead to the plant to plant these roses can easily breathe and absorb substances good for growth.
Trimming is good to do if we want the roses bloom much nonstop. In addition to cutting the new shoots will emerge from the stem roses with a longer, because if not trimmed the rose stems would be short and did not generate much interest. In a country that has four seasons pruning is usually done in the autumn or late spring.
Do not forget to give fertilizer every month. A good fertilizer used is organic fertilizer, but also with special fertilizers for roses. At the time of fertilization do well penggemburan land in the area around the rod and pull the weeds that interfere with these roses. If there are pests that interfere with specific drug use is Bouillie Bordelaise / Bordeaux Mixture in a way that is sprayed. Do not shake the branches often have just planted in the sense of embeddedness has not happened there. Every one to two years of planting medium is replaced.


Senin, 08 Februari 2010


below is a design where the sea grass

Ways of seaweed washing

Harvesting seaweed


Seaweed (sea Weeds) who in the world of science known as Algae is very popular in the late trading world - the end of this.
Seaweed was first recognized by the Chinese people think - about the year 2700 BC. At that time a lot of seaweed used for vegetables and drugs - drugs. In 65 BC, the Romans use it as a cosmetic raw material. But with the development of time, knowledge about the grass growing lautpun. Spain, France, and England made seaweed as glass-making raw material.
When is the use of seaweed in Indonesia is not known. Only at the time the Portuguese came to Indonesia around 1292 years, seaweed has been used as a vegetable. New in the days before World War - 2, noted that Indonesia has exported seaweed to the United States, Danish, and French.

Today seaweed in Indonesia has been developed on the coast of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Given the length of Indonesian coastline (81,000 km), then the chance of seaweed cultivation is very promising. If you view the world market demand in Indonesia is reaching average each year - average 21.8% of the world needs right now to supply the demand fulfillment is still lacking, which is only 13.1% range. The low supply from Indonesia caused by farming activities are not good and lack of information about the potential of seaweed farmers.

B. Gynecology
Seaweed commonly used is the type of red algae (Rhodophyceae) because it contains so - so, keraginan, porpiran, furcelaran or pigment fikobilin (consisting of fikoeretrin and fikosianin) which is a food reserve which contains many carbohydrates. But there is also the use of brown algae (Phaeophyceae). These brown algae contains chlorophyll pigments a and c, beta carotene, violasantin and fukosantin, pirenoid, and sheets photosynthesis (filakoid). Also brown algae also contains a food reserve Laminarin, cellulose, and algin. In addition to the material - this material, red and brown algae contain many jodium.

C. Benefits
1. Order - order
Society in general knows that - so in the form of flour used for making pudding. But people do not know exactly what that - that that. Order - that is sulfanik the meruapakan acid ester of linear and galakto obtained by extracting the algae species Agarophytae. Order - that is its hot water soluble and insoluble in cold water.

Nowadays the use of so - so the more developed, which used only for the food alone is currently being used in the textile industry, cosmetics, and others - others. Its main function is as pemantap materials, and makers emulsion, thickening materials, fillers, and preservative gel. In the industry, so that - so widely used in industry for the manufacture of foods such as breads, soups, sauces, ice cream, jelly, candy, sherbet, cheese, pudding, jam, beer, wine, coffee, and chocolate. Useful in the pharmaceutical industry as a purgative or laxative, packing capsules, and mixed materials printer tooth samples. In the textile industry can be used to protect the sheen of silk. In the cosmetics industry, so - so useful in the manufacture of ointments, creams, lotions, lipstick and soap. In addition there are many other benefits from that - that, as for making the film plates, toothpaste, shoe polish, paper, and fish and meat canning.

2. Keraginan
Polysaccharide compounds Keraginan is composed of units of D-galactose and L-galactose 3.6 anhidrogalaktosa linked by bonds of 1 to 4 glikosilik. Flow characteristics of each unit keraginan is binding cluster galaktosanya sulfate, the amount of sulfatnya approximately 35.1%.
Usability keraginan similar to - in order, among others, as a stabilizer, thickening, gel formation, and emulsifiers. Keraginan widely used in the food industry for making cakes, bread, makroni, jam, jelly, fruit juice, beer, ice cream, and gel coating of meat products. In the pharmaceutical industry commonly used for toothpaste and drugs - drugs. It can also be used in textiles, cosmetics and paints.

3. Algin (alginates)
Algin is obtained from seaweed, brown algae species. Algin is a polymer of uronat acids arranged in the form of long linear chains. Form of algin on the market are often found in flour form of sodium, potassium or ammonium alginates are soluble in water.
Usability is algin industry as thickening, stabilizer, emulsifiers, and forming a thin layer of oil resistant. Algin is used in many industries in the food industry for the manufacture of ice cream, sherbet, ice milk, bread, cakes, candy, butter, sauces, canned meat, jams, syrups, and puddings. In the pharmaceutical industry commonly used for tablets, ointments, capsules, plasters, and filters. Cosmetic industry for the cream, lotion, shampoo, hair dye,. And in other industries such as textiles, paper, photography, insecticides, pesticides, and wood preservatives.

D. TON function in Seaweed Ecology
Seaweed was first found living in nature rather than culture results. They were scattered in the waters in accordance with environmental needs. Need of seaweed clinging to the life support. In nature where it can be attached to dead coral, mollusk shells, and can also be sand and mud.

Also in dire need of seaweed sun to establish the process of photosynthesis. A large sun was greatly influenced by sea water transparency. So that needs sunlight available in the optimal amount should be regulated in membudidayakannya depth. The depth is ideally located 30 to 50 cm from the surface of the water.

Seaweed photosynthesis process is not only influenced by the sun alone, but also require nutrients in sufficient quantities both macro and micro. These nutrients obtained from the environment much water is absorbed directly by the entire plant. To supply this nutrient fertilization is usually done during cultivation. To help provide nutrients in optimal quantities and so quickly absorbed by this seaweed, it must provide nutrients that have been in a state ready for use (ionic). These nutrients contained in many TON (Pond Organic Nusantara).

TON (Pond Organic Nusantara), contains all the materials needed in the growth of seaweed. Both provide a complete micro nutrients, also provides a macro elements. Also TON also will improve the quality of seaweed, because it will reduce the pollution levels of heavy metals will also be absorbed by the seaweed. If heavy metals are not binding, it will come absorbed in the process of absorption of nutrients from seaweed, which is very dangerous for consumers. With TON, heavy metals will be bound in the form of compounds and will be difficult to settle or be absorbed by the absorption process.

Seaweed growth is also influenced by the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO), salinitas (salinity) and temperature. The oxygen content of addition is influenced by water movement is also influenced by nutrient availability. TON also so very important to support the availability of oxygen in the water. The ideal temperature for the growth of seaweed is ranged from 200 to 280 C

With the availability of nutrients in optimal amounts and balanced environmental conditions because the influence of TON, the quality and quantity of materials - materials that contained in the seaweed will also increase.

In addition, the use of TON for seaweed cultivation will also help to bind compounds - compounds and elements - hazardous substances in the water. Compounds - compounds and elements in this if teradsorbsi seaweed metabolic system, would interfere with the growth of seaweed and also reduce the quality of the results. Also if this seaweed will be used for food, will be very dangerous for the menkonsumsinya. Carbon content of the active compounds of the TON will be very helpful to reduce the compounds and elements - such hazardous substances.

E. Seaweed Cultivation and How to Use TON (Pond Organic Nusantara)
In carrying seaweed cultivation, first thing to note is the selection of the location of cultivation. Better location cultivated cultivation in waters that do not fluctuate salinitas (salinity) is large and free from industrial pollution and households. In addition site selection should also consider the economic aspects and labor.

Seaweed cultivation can be done in the area off the coast and in the pond. In our discussion today will focus on cultivation in ponds. This is given the role of ineffective TON if diperairan off (coast). For cultivation in the waters off several methods are distinguished, namely:
1. Basic Off Method
Where this is done by tying seaweed seedlings on the rope - a rope in a row set - a row in the sea waters with depths between 30 - 60 cm. Sea grass planted in the bottom waters.

2. Raft Methods
This method is done in waters depths of more than 60 cm. Working with grass seeds tied in a rope - a rope tied at the stake - the stake in a floating position in the middle - the depth of water.

3. Hanging Rope Method
If the two methods on seed positions - seaweed seedlings in a horizontal position (flat), then the method of hanging ropes is done by attaching the seed - sea grass seeds in a vertical position (perpendicular) to the rope - a rope arranged in a row.

Usage TON with 3 of the above can only be done by soaking the seed system. Because if it were applied in the waters TON will not be effective and many are lost by the ocean currents. Seed soaking method is done by:
1. TON dissolved in sea water is placed in the container.
2. For 1 liter of sea water is given a quarter of a tablespoon (5 - 10 gr) TON and add 1 to 2 cc Hormonik.
3. Marinate for 4 - 5 hours, and ready to be planted seedlings.

TON usage is most effective when applied in seaweed cultivation in ponds. How to cultivation in ponds can be done with tebar methods. The trick is as follows:
1. Pond should be specified income and expenditure channels.
2. Pond dried first.
3. Sprinkle with lime to neutral pH (0.5 to 2 tons per hectare depending on the acidity conditions of the land).
4. Let stand for 1 week.
5. Apply TON, with doses of 1 to 5 bottles per-hectare (for areas - areas that high pollution levels, elevated dose), by dissolving in water first, then spread evenly in the bottom of ponds.
6. Allow 1 day
7. Enter the water to a height of 70 cm.
8. Sprinkle sea grass seeds that have been soaked with TON and soaking way hormonik above. With the density from 80 to 100 gram/m2.
9. When the pond bottom hard enough, the seeds can be planted as rice planting.
10. No need to add fertilizer macro.

F. Maintenance and application TON (Pond Organic Nusantara) aftershocks.
During cultivation, must be continuously monitoring. Especially for cultivation in ponds must dilakukaan least 1 - 2 weeks after stocking of seedlings, this is to control the position of the spread of seaweed. Usually because of the influence of wind, the seeds will collect in certain areas, if so should be separated and spread out more evenly in the pond area.

Dirt in the form of water dust (mud dissolved / suspended solid) is often attached to the plant, especially on the calm waters such as ponds. At that time, the plants should be rocked - dangle in the water so the plants are always clean from dirt. This dirt will interfere with the metabolism of seaweed. Some marine plants such as Ulva, Hypea, Chaetomorpha and Enteromorpha plants are often twisted. Plants - these plants should be immediately removed and separated from seaweed in order not to reduce the quality of results. The way to collect on the ground. Sea urchins, fish and turtles are herbivores that must be prevented from seaweed prey. To avoid the nets are usually installed around the cultivation area. For cultivation in ponds will be undertaken by placing nets in channel revenues and expenses.

G. Harvesting
At this stage of harvesting must be considered how and the right time to obtain results in accordance with market demand in quality and quantity.

Plants can be harvested after the age of 6 to 8 weeks after planting. How to harvest is to lift the entire plant into the ground seaweed. Seaweed cultivated in ponds harvested plants by family raised and bred for disisakan little further. Or it could be done by picking the separate branches - the branch of the parent plant, but this way will result in the acquisition and growth keraginan little master for the cultivation of crops would decrease further.

If the seaweed is harvested at about one month of age, will usually be obtained weight ratio of wet and dry weight of 8: 1, and if harvested at the age of two months will usually be obtained ratio 6: 1. To type gracilaria usually yields about 1500 - 2000 kg of dry seaweed per hectare. It is expected that with the use of TON (Pond Organic Nusantara) will increase about 30 - 100%.

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010


Arwana fish belonged to the giant fish below is a picture of a giant Arwana fish:

Red arwana fish, whose price can reach dozens of million rupiah
Arowana fish families including "karuhun", ie fish Osteoglasidae or families "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of the mouth of the bone that serves as the teeth. Arwana thinking about various nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arwana, depending on the place.
The shape and appearance Arowana including beautiful and unique. His body elongated, slender, and the "stream line", with a very graceful swimming motion. Arwana in nature has a variety of colors such as green, silver, or red. In the lower lip there are two whiskers that serves as a vibration sensor to determine the position of prey in the water. Whiskers included in the assessment criteria for the beauty of fish.
Arwana growth potential is quite large, especially with feeding a high protein yield. Arowana growth in the aquarium reaches 60 cm, whereas in nature reaches more than 90 cm. Type of South American Arowana can grow up to 270 cm.
Arowana fish is a swimmer on the (surface feeder), indicated by betuk mouth. In nature they swim near the surface to hunt for prey. Arowana can accept all types of feed for carnivorous fish, but often they become very fond of one type of feed it, and reject the other type. As an springer fish, arwana in nature can catch insects perched on twig height 1-2 meters from surface water. So maintenance in the aquarium should be covered properly.
Arwana is a tough fish that can live up to half a century. High demand with limited availability of natural causes in the exploitation of nature is limited. CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) determined that the Asian arowana fish as the fish that have the highest protection. Various types of Asian arwana, among others:
1. Red
Red arwana originated from various places in the Province of West Kalimantan, such as from the Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum known as the habitat of the Super Red (Chili and Blood Red). These waters is a peat forest areas to create a primitive environment for these ancient fish. But the condition of minerals, peat water environment (black water), and the number of adequate food reserves have been conditioned good influence on the evolution of color on the fish in question. Geographical influence also led to the creation of different variations of the morphology of this fish, such as a wider body, the head of a spoon-shaped, red warnah a more intensive and more concentrated color foundation.
Full red color appeared on the young fish fins, the lips and whiskers. Nearly mature, red color will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the gill cover and the rim of scales, so that the body looks red fish.
Red arwana grouped in 4 varieties, the Red Blood (Blood Red), Red Chili (Chili Red), Red Orange (Orange Red), and Red Gold (Golden Red). All four varieties are generally given the nickname Red Super Red or First Grade (First Grade Red), although in more red super development refers to the Red Chili and Red Blood. While the last two varieties are more often considered as a super red with a lower grade.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

ABOUT KAKAP WHITE FISH ( Lates calcalifer, Bloch )

Biological Aspects
White snapper are Euryhaline and Katadromus live in tropical waters and the West subtropik Indopasifik. Male fish that have reached 2-2,5 kg weight can be changed sex to female (Protandry Hermaprodite).

Hatchery Technology
1. Procurement and Maintenance Up
Main candidates can be obtained from the catch in the wild or in captivity results. To accelerate the ripening sex, prospective parents maintained at sea by using floating nets, the density of 1 fish per 1-2 menter per cubic water.
Rucah feed of fresh fish is given 1 time a day with a fixed time schedule. Dose feed 5% of total body weight per day, later reduced to 1-3% at the time of the season arrived pijah.
Means of controlling the physical conditions of routine maintenance carried out every day, once a month net reimbursement for Preventing the escape of fish, reduce Fauling Organisms and menciptakn comfortable atmosphere and experience.
2. Parent Selection
The criteria for a good parent dipijahkan:
• Parent bright gray healthy
• Active Movement
• Fin and parenthesis complete and not defective
• colored eyes clear
• Age at least 3 years with weight 2-5 kg / fish
• The size of cultivated balanced
Gonadal maturation level checks can be done by stripping or kanulasi of fish that have been dipingsankan with Ethylineglicol monophenil ether 200 ppm. Dipijahkan ready Oocyst diameter 0,4-0,5 mm.
3. Spawning
Done by hormone induces LH - RH a male and the female parent are Intramuscular options below dorsal fins. Injections done once (10:00 AM) at a dose of 0.05 mg per kg of total weight of fish.
Sex ratio 1:1 spawning, the fish will normally memijah at night (± 32 hours after the injection of hormones).
4. Harvesting and hatching eggs
Eggs that had just harvested were selected, and then transferred into the tub with the density of eggs hatching 50-100 grains / liter of water. The incubation period ± 18 hours, and the newly hatched larvae have a total length of 1.60 ± 0.04 mm.
5. Larvae and Seed Rearing
Bath maintenance larvae are equipped with drainage pipes and water revenues, and the aeration unit to supply oxygen. In summary schedule of operational activities pemebrian feed, water replacement media and seed spacing tebar solid until the age of 30 days can be seen in the following appendix.
Maintenance efficiency
Every pound of weight of the parent can produce eggs about 0,6-0,76 million eggs. When normal conditions hatching rate reaches 85%. Larvae kelulushidupan level at 15 days (70-80%) and at the age of 30 days (30-50%).
In one year can be 8 times of spawning, where each time the production takes approximately 40 days, with 5000 ekor/m3 seed production, age 30 days.