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Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010



Example: Married injection for GOLDFISH
- Goldfish Master Female and male gonads mature (ready to mate)
- Fish donor (Mas fish) which were grown
- Aquabidest
1.2. TOOLS
- Outdoor wedding / big aquarium
- Scales
- Carving knife
- Telenan
- Surgical Equipment
- Tissue
- Kain Lap
- Glass muller
- Syringe / Spet.

2.1. Tools and Materials Preparation
- Setting up a goldfish parent males and females ready to mate
- Mother females weighed
- Preparing the donor fish and then weighed
- Beina parent Dosisi compared between donors, namely 1: 2 / body weight.

2.2. How to Take the pituitary gland
- Fish donors were killed by cutting the head.
- Which has been severed head placed in the position of the mouth facing upwards.
- The next cut is the part above the eyes a little towards the rear.
- After an open skull brain is shown, whereas the pituitary gland under the brain and there are white.
- The brain then was appointed ditissue clear of blood and fat.
- The pituitary glands were taken carefully with tweezers.
- Pituitary gland should not be broken

2.3. Implementation of the pituitary
- Pituitary glands taken with caution
- Pituitary gland located didinding muller tools
- Then crushed pituitary glands by means of twisting the basis kelubang glass muller muller
- Then add 1.5 ml aquabidest
- Rotated-round + 3 minutes
- Allow a moment to form two layers (the clear liquid and sludge)
- A clear liquid taken with Spet, fluid is used to inject stem
- Injection done under the front of the dorsal fins
- How to inject, our scales do not lift a little off and spet needle tip inserted in the meat under the shell (do not pierce the scales, as if impaled scales would fall off)
- Mother injected females had entered the marriage kekolam prepared with fibers and the ratio of male parental male and female parent was 1: 1 / body weight
More precisely put into an aquarium which has also been charged fibers and the father, this meant that we could observe a good reaction from the injections and more importantly we know the distance in time between the initial inoculation with the fish mating. Usually the mother will marry after 10 - 12 hours of injection (at temperatures around 28 ยบ C). So during the hours that we can try to retrieve the eggs by way of sorting (stripping).

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