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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


is the fishing equipment consists of a bamboo-shaped structure that is attached to a square that stands firmly on the waters. In the middle part of the building known as the net attached to Wareng tastes vary depending on the size of the owner with a net 0.4 cm eyes, usually size 7 x 7 meters.
This tool basically consists of building the chart made of bamboo / wood, net square tied to the frame made of bamboo / wood. On four sides there are a few bamboo sticks / wooden cross and the crosses are intended to strengthen the foundation of the chart. In the middle of the building there dibagian chart house building that serves as a place of rest, protection from light rain and a place to see the fish / catch. On top of this building there is a roller (a kind of player) is made of bamboo / wood that serves to pull the net.
Generally the fishing equipment is measuring 9 x 9 meters, while the height of the bottom waters average 12 meters, thus, the depth of water to the mounting location of the fishing equipment is on average at a depth of 8 meters, but in certain areas there is installed at a depth of 15 meters, because the basic thrust into the waters of the sea floor on which the chart is penancapan pole base mud containing water mixed with sand.
Net position of the chart is located at the bottom of the chart structure tied to the frame of bamboo / wooden square. Bamboo frame / timber is connected to the rope on each side that serves to pull the net. On the fourth side is weighted nets that served to drown the net and gave the position a better net for the water.
To attract the attention of the fish to gather at the bottom chart, fishermen generally use a light amount varies petromaks a 2-5 fruit.
The first step in operating this tool is to lower the net and then put lights directly above the position Nets (Wareng). After a few hours later (about 4 hours) or taken for a lot of fish that gather under the Bagan net withdrawals from done. Withdrawals made by rotating the roller slowly and after a bit close to the surface net is lifted net so quickly that the net up and catch up trapped in it. After the nets were raised, the catch is done by taking menggunak dustpan (net of long-stemmed). And so on, if you want to arrest operation was resumed, then the net lowered back into the water as before. In one night, could arrest operation carried out up to three times a month depending age.
Because the chart attached to the bottom waters, which means the depth of the sea where the operation of this tool is very limited in shallow water.
This tool can be used effectively during a dark month for catching the target will be attracted to light during the dark Petromaks and gathered under the chart (on the net).
Results are means of catching fish that usually live in groups such as Amendments fish, fish ciu, Kepetek fish, fish-sized fish such as swordfish, Brengkes fish, squid (squid), shrimp, and so on.

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