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Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


Fish have a high nutrient content of fish in the sea let alone that also contain a very high nutrition and good consumed to increase intelligence in fry cob or Latin language is very suitable Thunnus maccoyii. Swordfish meat is very tasty, dense and easily processed into various food menus so that the fish is the right choice to be a food menu daily. In addition, the swordfish has a high protein content and is suitable consumed by children in times of growth. That's why the swordfish as a menu of seafood is recommended, because it was very tasty and nutritious. For those of you who have an allergy to seafood, you should not worry because you can menangkalnya with boiled water to drink cat whiskers plant. Drugs or herbs can inhibit allergic symptoms due to the swordfish.
At the fish market, tuna is usually sold in cooked or smoked. However, if you are looking for is nutritious, it would be better if you buy fresh tuna to be cooked at home. Cob nutritional value lies in the particular liquid that came out when cooked (can be boiled, steamed or fried). If only you buy cob smoke, liquid contained in the tuna meat that would have evaporated and reduced nutritional value.

In addition to delicious and nutritious, tuna also has a fairly specific properties, which stimulates cell growth of red blood cells and inhibits the aging process. Eating, if you want to stay young, it is advisable to consume meat tuna. If consumed regularly, at least three times a week as the main menu, a kind of rheumatic disease and anemia would be difficult to disturb you. Another cob efficacy for treating the disease include:

1. Rheumatic and rheumatic pain

Spoiler for rheumatic and rheumatic pain Bone:
You can get the benefits of this swordfish with it as the main menu daily. You can boil or menggorangnya, depending on taste. Because Khasiatnya lies in the flesh, would be very nice if we cultivate fresh swordfish. For serious rheumatic therapy, should be consumed each day with a sufficient portion. As for light therapy, just 2-3 times a week. This treatment submarine, avoid bathing the night, the cold, or excessive exercise.

2. Anemia or wan

Spoiler for Anemia or Blood wan :
The signs of anemia are tired quickly, dipersendian stiff, pale, nails and eyelids pale, and there are black lines under my eyes. If anemia attack, soon, soon overcome. In such conditions the body, the virus is easy to attack because the immune system is decreased. What should be done by the body cells are immediately formed red blood cells to the immune system strong return. Natural Ingredients in swordfish is very good for stimulating red blood cell formation. But the processing must be boiled, and eaten with gravy at once.
For if through the frying process, several types of proteins will be damaged. As a treatment, get used 3-4 times a week to consume them.

3. Early Ejaculation

Spoiler for Preventing Early Ejaculation:
If your life were declining couples, may be caused by various factors. Here the sea pharmacy will help you in avoiding premature ejaculation and could be long lasting.
Here's how: take the gills of fresh tuna, cooked with lime leaves 2 to 3 pieces and a little salt until boiling. Drink potion ini 1 - 2 hours before related. As for women to consume enough meat on a regular basis, will increase the vitality, including couples in your affairs.

4. Dull skin

Spoiler for dull skin:
Dibagian skin such as calves, knees, arms, and elbows are often feels rough and dull. For women this is very disturbing appearance and beauty. The following recipes can be tried. Take the tuna skin with slashed way, especially around the back to the tail fin. Boiled with crushed lemongrass and add salt to taste. Eat regularly and gravy 2 - 3 times a week. Scales on the skin surface will slowly peeling and the skin becomes smooth again.

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