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Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


Prospective Capture Tool
Prospective gill net basis or bottom gill net in Indonesia is very good, this is due to quantitative, large enough things that affect the bottom gill net amount quantitatively:
•  the basic material (material) bottom gill net making easily available
•  The process of making easy bottom gill net
•  The price is relatively cheap
•  fishing method of bottom gill net easily
•  The cost is relatively inexpensive so that it can dimilliki by anyone.

In general, mentioned by gill net is a net basis with a rectangular shape, has the same net eye
size in the whole net, net width is shorter than the length, in other words, the number of mesh depth less when compared with the number of mesh size in the long direction of the net.
On the net sheets, at the top of the attached buoy (float) and attached to the bottom peemberat (sinker). By using the two styles in the opposite direction, namely from bouyancy float moving toward the top and sinking force of the sinker weight plus the net in the water that moves toward the down, then the net will be stretched.

2. Kind and size of thread
PA continuous filament is the most tender of all synthetic materials in wet conditions, a shiny white color is much more natural look in the clear water. Green, blue, gray and brown are the colors that appear most commonly used in commercial fisheries.
For many types of gill net in accordance with the size, eye size nets, fish species, the pattern of operation, the condition of the arrest, etc. may not provide comprehensive recommendations for the selection of net material. All the R value is nominal and tex with respect to netting diselup yard and have not yet processed.

Types of fish caught various types, such as herring, cod, halibut, mackerel, yellow tail, sea bream, tuna, skipjack, kwe, screen, Selar, and so forth. The types of shrimp, lobster fishing is also a purpose of this net.

3. Catching area
In general the fishing ground or catching area is the coast, bay, and the estuaries that lead to the same type of fish caught various types.

4. Way Operations
  Setting
At the time of setting up, the ship was then directed to the installation done bottom gill nets net by the ship's Men (ABK). Net bottom gill nets set perpendicular to the flow so that later
will be facing a bunch of fish previously been fitted Rumpon, and the band attracted fish and gather around the light Rumpon and fishing and finally caught entangled in the operculum (gill cover) or by rumpled.
  Holling
After setting and fish that have accumulated a lot thats enough, it is interesting Holling with bottom gill nets net from the bottom waters to the surface (net pulled up the ship). After all the results and net catch is pulled up and then do the sorting activity.

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