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Kamis, 28 Januari 2010



Rumpon is one tool that is widely used capture by fishermen. Another term Rumpon known as FAD (Fish agregation Device) while the function of this Rumpon to lure the fish to gather in one area of arrest.

The use of traditional Rumpon in Indonesia are found in areas of Mamuju (Setatan Sulawesi) and East Java. According to Monintja (1993) Rumpon widely used in Indonesia in 1980, while the State had operated Rumpon including Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Some of the reasons why the fish are often found around Rumpon:

1. Many small fish and plankton that gathered around Rumpon where fish and plankton is a source of food for large fish.
2. There are several types of fish such as tuna and skipjack which makes Rumpon as a place to play so the fishermen can easily to him.

Fishermen can find plenty of fish in the area Rumpon with some unique features are:
1. The number of foam - the foam or air bubbles on the surface of water.
2. Water color will appear darker than the surrounding water color because many fish are clustered.

4.1.1. Materials and Components Rumpon
Each Rumpon consists of several components as shown in Table 4.1 below. In Indonesia Rumpon still using natural materials like coconut leaves, plastic rope that was certainly very limited powers.

Table 4.1.
Main components and materials from a Rumpon:
1. Float material Bamboo, Plastic

2. Mining ropes (mooring line), fabric strap, Wi re, Chain, Swiwel

3. Decoy bond (atractor) Coconut leaf material, Former Nets

4. Sinker (sinker bottom) material Stone, Concrete

Types of Fish Found in Around Much Rumpon

Not all the fish found around Rumpon. Pelagic fish species is a dominant fish is often found in Rumpon. In Table 4.2., Below we can see what the fish are often located around Rumpon.

4.1.3. Construction Rumpon

Construction in West Java still Rumpon simple, generally pelampungnya of bamboo and rope temalinya from plastic or rattan, stone ballast from the mountain or rock while atraktornya using coconut leaves. This type Rumpon many operated in a shallow sea with the aim to rnengumpulkan small pelagic fish - small. For waters that have a depth of up to thousands of meters used ropes

Table 4.2.

Fish species that is often associated with Rumpon

1. Skipjack tuna - Skipjack-(Katsowonus pelamis)
2. Cob - Frigate-tuna (Auxis thazard)
3. Banana-Frigate tuna Tuna-Euthynus affinis
4. King mackerel, Scomberomorus sp-Mackeret
5. Madidihang-Yellow Fin Tuna, Thunnus albacares
6. Tembang-Frigate Sardin - Sardinella firnbriato
7. Rainbow-Sardin Japuh-Dussumeria hosselti

synthetic and fish species which are usually gathered is flying fish, tuna and skipjack.
In developed countries like Japan and the Philippines posted Rumpon always equipped penditeksi tool that can monitor the fish from the ship arrest.

Construction of various types Rumpon found in Indonesian waters can be seen in figure 4. 1, among others:

In order not kepemilikkan Rumpon confused or lost, then marked, for example with flags, buoys, mirror or other signs as the owner desires. Figure 4.21.1 shows examples of the types of signs posted dirumpon.

of Research on Rumpon continues conducted by our researchers. In 1999 Arsyad has atraktor Rumpon research, he has replaced thatch palm leaves, palm leaves assuming far more resilient than coconut leaves and the results were significantly different (Figure 4.3). Rumpon from palm leaves to catch more

Materials: Stone, coconut leaves + pelepahnya, nylon rope, bamboo.

Stones as ballast, coconut leaf + stem = to house fish, as a binding rope, bamboo as a buoy.

How to manufacture:

First ..... stone tied and this was possible irregular stone shapes'll easily tied.

Both ..... take 5-10 coconut leaf midrib + to be bound, and give the distance between the stones with pelepepah range of 5-10 meters.

Third ........ 4-8 bamboo stems tied as pelampung.jarak between the bamboo stem is also the range of 5-10 meters, and each stem segment of bamboo'll take 5-7 easy as transportation.

all this work done on land more easily aja biar.

And if this Rumpon will diceburin keair shaped tree. and not static.

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