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Minggu, 31 Januari 2010


Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010


Some site selection requirements that must be met to place this floating net basket are:

1. Attempted placement location has enough depth, but protected from the causes of the disaster and the possibility-2 causes crop failure, either due to natural factors and human factors.

2. Floating net basket location is not in ship traffic areas, at the mouth of the river that allows the river floods.

3. Difference specification seawater parameters are not too extreme, temperature, weather, levels of salt.

4. Being that the regional security and facilitation of affordable materials supplied.

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


Prospective Capture Tool
Prospective gill net basis or bottom gill net in Indonesia is very good, this is due to quantitative, large enough things that affect the bottom gill net amount quantitatively:
•  the basic material (material) bottom gill net making easily available
•  The process of making easy bottom gill net
•  The price is relatively cheap
•  fishing method of bottom gill net easily
•  The cost is relatively inexpensive so that it can dimilliki by anyone.

In general, mentioned by gill net is a net basis with a rectangular shape, has the same net eye
size in the whole net, net width is shorter than the length, in other words, the number of mesh depth less when compared with the number of mesh size in the long direction of the net.
On the net sheets, at the top of the attached buoy (float) and attached to the bottom peemberat (sinker). By using the two styles in the opposite direction, namely from bouyancy float moving toward the top and sinking force of the sinker weight plus the net in the water that moves toward the down, then the net will be stretched.

2. Kind and size of thread
PA continuous filament is the most tender of all synthetic materials in wet conditions, a shiny white color is much more natural look in the clear water. Green, blue, gray and brown are the colors that appear most commonly used in commercial fisheries.
For many types of gill net in accordance with the size, eye size nets, fish species, the pattern of operation, the condition of the arrest, etc. may not provide comprehensive recommendations for the selection of net material. All the R value is nominal and tex with respect to netting diselup yard and have not yet processed.

Types of fish caught various types, such as herring, cod, halibut, mackerel, yellow tail, sea bream, tuna, skipjack, kwe, screen, Selar, and so forth. The types of shrimp, lobster fishing is also a purpose of this net.

3. Catching area
In general the fishing ground or catching area is the coast, bay, and the estuaries that lead to the same type of fish caught various types.

4. Way Operations
  Setting
At the time of setting up, the ship was then directed to the installation done bottom gill nets net by the ship's Men (ABK). Net bottom gill nets set perpendicular to the flow so that later
will be facing a bunch of fish previously been fitted Rumpon, and the band attracted fish and gather around the light Rumpon and fishing and finally caught entangled in the operculum (gill cover) or by rumpled.
  Holling
After setting and fish that have accumulated a lot thats enough, it is interesting Holling with bottom gill nets net from the bottom waters to the surface (net pulled up the ship). After all the results and net catch is pulled up and then do the sorting activity.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010



Rumpon is one tool that is widely used capture by fishermen. Another term Rumpon known as FAD (Fish agregation Device) while the function of this Rumpon to lure the fish to gather in one area of arrest.

The use of traditional Rumpon in Indonesia are found in areas of Mamuju (Setatan Sulawesi) and East Java. According to Monintja (1993) Rumpon widely used in Indonesia in 1980, while the State had operated Rumpon including Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Some of the reasons why the fish are often found around Rumpon:

1. Many small fish and plankton that gathered around Rumpon where fish and plankton is a source of food for large fish.
2. There are several types of fish such as tuna and skipjack which makes Rumpon as a place to play so the fishermen can easily to him.

Fishermen can find plenty of fish in the area Rumpon with some unique features are:
1. The number of foam - the foam or air bubbles on the surface of water.
2. Water color will appear darker than the surrounding water color because many fish are clustered.

4.1.1. Materials and Components Rumpon
Each Rumpon consists of several components as shown in Table 4.1 below. In Indonesia Rumpon still using natural materials like coconut leaves, plastic rope that was certainly very limited powers.

Table 4.1.
Main components and materials from a Rumpon:
1. Float material Bamboo, Plastic

2. Mining ropes (mooring line), fabric strap, Wi re, Chain, Swiwel

3. Decoy bond (atractor) Coconut leaf material, Former Nets

4. Sinker (sinker bottom) material Stone, Concrete

Types of Fish Found in Around Much Rumpon

Not all the fish found around Rumpon. Pelagic fish species is a dominant fish is often found in Rumpon. In Table 4.2., Below we can see what the fish are often located around Rumpon.

4.1.3. Construction Rumpon

Construction in West Java still Rumpon simple, generally pelampungnya of bamboo and rope temalinya from plastic or rattan, stone ballast from the mountain or rock while atraktornya using coconut leaves. This type Rumpon many operated in a shallow sea with the aim to rnengumpulkan small pelagic fish - small. For waters that have a depth of up to thousands of meters used ropes

Table 4.2.

Fish species that is often associated with Rumpon

1. Skipjack tuna - Skipjack-(Katsowonus pelamis)
2. Cob - Frigate-tuna (Auxis thazard)
3. Banana-Frigate tuna Tuna-Euthynus affinis
4. King mackerel, Scomberomorus sp-Mackeret
5. Madidihang-Yellow Fin Tuna, Thunnus albacares
6. Tembang-Frigate Sardin - Sardinella firnbriato
7. Rainbow-Sardin Japuh-Dussumeria hosselti

synthetic and fish species which are usually gathered is flying fish, tuna and skipjack.
In developed countries like Japan and the Philippines posted Rumpon always equipped penditeksi tool that can monitor the fish from the ship arrest.

Construction of various types Rumpon found in Indonesian waters can be seen in figure 4. 1, among others:

In order not kepemilikkan Rumpon confused or lost, then marked, for example with flags, buoys, mirror or other signs as the owner desires. Figure 4.21.1 shows examples of the types of signs posted dirumpon.

of Research on Rumpon continues conducted by our researchers. In 1999 Arsyad has atraktor Rumpon research, he has replaced thatch palm leaves, palm leaves assuming far more resilient than coconut leaves and the results were significantly different (Figure 4.3). Rumpon from palm leaves to catch more

Materials: Stone, coconut leaves + pelepahnya, nylon rope, bamboo.

Stones as ballast, coconut leaf + stem = to house fish, as a binding rope, bamboo as a buoy.

How to manufacture:

First ..... stone tied and this was possible irregular stone shapes'll easily tied.

Both ..... take 5-10 coconut leaf midrib + to be bound, and give the distance between the stones with pelepepah range of 5-10 meters.

Third ........ 4-8 bamboo stems tied as pelampung.jarak between the bamboo stem is also the range of 5-10 meters, and each stem segment of bamboo'll take 5-7 easy as transportation.

all this work done on land more easily aja biar.

And if this Rumpon will diceburin keair shaped tree. and not static.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


Fish jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni) Indonesian native fish in some rivers there are in Sumatra and Kalimantan. An economically important fish species is a favorite Indonesian society and even some neighboring countries. Including potential export commodity.
Looking at aspects of the seed needs of nature will still rely on seeding technology genius of this fish is an effort that enabled bullet. and this is a business opportunity that can generate big profits.
Fish Hatchery jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni)

Methods and How to

Gonad maturation
• Master kept in a special pool size 500-700 m 2 stocking 0,1-0,25 kg / m 2
• During maintenance, the mother talked of fish feed pellets with 25-28% protein content
• The feed is given as much as 3% of body weight with frequency 2-3 per day
• In addition to the feed pellets are also given in the form of greenery such as cassava leaves to taste
• Long maintenance of stem more or less 8 months
• Master of ready pijah obtained by selection

Spawning can be done scara jelawat natural and artificial. In this technology package made of artificial spawning.
• Up to diberok selected for one day
• hormone HCG injection and the pituitary gland of the female parent carried out 2 times
• injection I (PI): 1 dose of the pituitary gland plus 200 IU of HCG per parent female
• injection II (PII): 2 doses of the pituitary gland plus 300 IU per parent female
• interval between PI and PII, 5-6 hours
• Ovulation occurs between the hours of PI 10-1
• Eggs and sperm are sorted out in a way
• Fertilization of eggs made by mixing sperm and eggs in a plastic basin
• If the eggs have developed ready to be stored in containers hatching

• Solid tebar 400-500 eggs per liter
• During water hatcheries should be kept kialitasnya (4-8 ppm O2; pH 7,0-8,0; T :25-28 degrees C)
• The water temperature is 25-28 degrees C eggs will hatch 18-4 at conception setekah

Rearing Larvae
• Larvae preserved eggs placed directly
• shells and hatch eggs that are not cleaned penyiponan
• Day 3 larvae given Artemia feed Naupil (newly hatched) to taste
• Provision of feed 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening)
• Day 7 after hatching of fish seed is ready for the pool didederkan

• Preparation includes drying ponds 2-3 days, embankment repairs, making the center channel (kamalir) and fertilizing with a biological fertilizer of 500-700 grams per m2. Pool filled with water to a height of 80-100 cm. Revenue channels mounted on a hapa fine strainer to prevent entry of wild fish
• The seeds were scattered 3 days after water filling the pond with dense stocking 100-150 ekor/m2
• Fish seed flour given in the form of destruction of feed pellets at a dose of 10-20% per day which contains approximately 25% protein
• Long maintenance 2-3 weeks
• Seeds produced 2-3 cm size and ready for further pendederan

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010


In recent years the attention of the district and city governments in West Kalimantan started to focus on the potential of tourism. Though already proclaimed long ago, but the new government's steps sounded serious repercussions.

One district that is intended to develop tourism Ketapang. Ketapang pontensi tourism has a prominent and diverse. One of them, nature tourism.

Superior natural tourism area Ketapang including mustard Beach Island. For those who wanted to be closer to nature, this place is perfect. Here, visitors can swim, boat, drink young coconut water, to fish with nets. If lazy to find yourself, there are fishermen who provide fish to be burned. Tourists can enjoy the fresh set of newly caught fish. They were treated to dinner with a natural landscape magnificent. Stretches of white sand, the water sparkling blue sea and coconut trees lined up in rows. Very natural that this island later known as Angel Island.

Another option for tourists lovers challenge. The destination location should Palong Mountain National Park. National Park is the extent of 90 thousand hectares. Position extending from Sub Sukadana and Simpang Hilir in North Kayong, and the District of North Lower Matan, Nanga TAYAP, and SANDAI in Ketapang. There are two uniqueness of Palong Mountain National Park.

First, in terms of fauna. In Palong Mountain National Park, until 2007, 2500 quiet tail of Utan, Proboscis Monkey, Honey Bear, and several types of snakes. Plus a variety of flora consists of tropical rain forests lowland forest, alluvial soil, peat swamp forests, swamp forests, mangrove forests, and vegetation rheofite.

Second, a challenging journey. To 'meet' with the fauna, rare fauna, tourists have to climb. The route is the village closest Segua with the distance of about 2 hours. Travelers will be taken to a camp called Lubuk Baji. Varied climbing terrain, sloping and steep. Because it requires a tourist guide. Guide that would help the tourists climbing the rope in steep areas.

Palong Mountain National Park has been proven to attract many foreign tourists. In addition, many studies are also held here.

Unfortunately, the intention of Culture and Tourism Kepatang develop the tourism potential of the maximum, permits and bureaucracy hampered .


Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010


1. Land Preparation
Orchid plants can be planted around the house or yard or in the garden under the shade of a tree or a given paranet or the like with a certain light intensity settings, or in open fields. Therefore orchid plant has a high economic potential, then for certain types can be planted in the greenhouses (green house). In addition to protecting plants from natural disturbances, also will reduce the intensity of attacks OPT.

2. Media Preparation Plant
A good growing medium must meet several requirements, ie not decaying quickly, not a source of disease, has good aeration, capable of binding water and nutrient substances are good, easy to obtain the desired amount and the relatively cheap price. Until now there has been no media that meets all the requirements for the growth of orchid plants.

For the growth of orchid plants, medium acidity (pH) ranged from good 5-6. Growing media is essential for growth and optimum production rates, so that there is need for an effort to find a suitable growing medium. Growing media that is often used in Indonesia, among others: moss, ferns, wood shavings, bits of wood, coconut fiber, charcoal, and pine bark.

Broken bricks widely used as basic medium pot of orchids, because it can absorb more water when compared with the fractional tiles. Media broken bricks used as the basis for the pot, because it has a drainage capacity and good aeration.

Moss containing 2-3% N elements have long been used for the medium to grow orchids. Media moss has a binding power of good water, and aeration and drainage have good also.

Ferns suitable for orchids because the media has a binding power of water, aeration and good drainage, decaying slowly, and contain nutrient elements required for the growth of orchids.

Easy coconut fibers easily become weak and rotten, so it can be a source of disease, but the water was very well kept and contain nutrient elements required and easily available and cheap price. In the use of coconut fibers as the medium grows, coconut fibers should be selected elderly.

Coconut coir growing media, ferns, and moss is a good growing medium for the growth of Phalaenopsis orchid plant sp. But when the ferns and moss growing in the forest is taken continuously for use as a medium to grow, it is feared the balance of the ecosystem will be disturbed.

Wood shavings or pieces of wood less suitable for orchids because the media has aeration and good drainage, but the power to save water is not good, and poor elements of N. Weathering processes are slow, because the wood contains compounds that are difficult decomposed as cellulose, lignin, and Hemicellulose.

Media teak wood shavings are a good growing medium for growing orchids Aranthera James Stories. Charcoal fragments are not decayed quickly, not easily overgrown with fungi and bacteria, but difficult to tie the water and nutrient poor. But good enough charcoal to the media orchids.

The use of new media (repotting) performed are as follows:

When planted in pots (containers) are too dense or more buds.
Medium long been destroyed, resulting in acidic medium, could be a source of disease.

3. Watering
Orchid plants are actively growing, require more water than is already flowering. The frequency and amount of water spray applied to plants depends on the type of orchid and the small size of plants, and planting environmental conditions. For example, orchids are Vanda sp., Arachnis sp., And Renanthera sp., Monopodial type of orchid that grows in direct sunlight, so the need watering more than twice a day, especially during the dry season.

4. Fertilizing
Like other plants, orchids always need food to sustain life. Orchid plant needs for nutrients with other plants, orchids only require a long time to show symptoms of deficiency, binding very slow growth of orchids.

In the cultivation of orchids, their habitats are not quite able to provide the elements needed by plants for growth. To overcome this, the plants were given fertilizer usually either organic or inorganic. Commonly used fertilizer compound fertilizer containing the macro and micro elements.

The quality and quantity of fertilizer can adjust the balance of vegetative and generative growth of plants. At the vegetative growth phase for young plants giving NPK fertilizer ratio is 30:10:10, the vegetative growth phase for a medium-sized plant of NPK fertilizer ratio is the provision of 10:10:10. While the generative growth phase is to stimulate flowering, provision of fertilizer NPK ratio is 10:30:30.

If done fertilization to potted the only fertilizer that dissolves in water and direct contact with the tip of the roots to be taken by the orchid plant and the remainder will remain in the pot. Fertilization in the afternoon showed a good response to growth in orchid Dendrobium sp.

LELE RAKSASA ( catfish )

Raksasa Sungai Mekong

Sungai Mekong yang merupakan salah satu sungai utama di dunia banyak menyimpan berbagai jenis ikan-ikan raksasa. Sungai Mekong merupakan sungai terpanjang ke-12 di dunia, dan ke-10 terbesar dalam volume (melepas 475km³ air setiap tahunnya), dia mengisi wilayah seluas 795.000 km² dari Tibet dia mengalir melalui China provinsi Yunnan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Kamboja, dan Vietnam. Semua kecuali China dan Myanmar masuk kedalam Komisi Sungai Mekong. Karena variasi musim yang sangat berbeda dalam aliran dan adanya “rapid” dan air terjun membuat navigasi sangat sulit.

Menurut para peneliti, sungai ini adalah rumah dari berbagai jenis ikan raksasa air tawar. Yang paling terkenal adalah Mekong Giant Cat Fish. Jenis ikan lele raksasa ini memang hidup disepanjang aliran Sungai Mekong yang melintasi beberapa negara di Asia tersebut.

Pada tahun 2005, seorang nelayan Muangthai menangkap ikan lele raksasa sebesar beruang Grizzly di Sungai Mekong. Ukuran ikan ini berkisar 2,7 Meter dengan berat mencapai 646 pon.

Memang penangkapan ikan lele berukuran raksasa di Sungai Mekong bukanlah hal yang aneh. Sudah berulang kali nelayan setempat mendapatkan ikan lele berukuran raksasa di sungai itu. Namun sepertinya belum ada yang menyamai ukuran ikan lele yang ditangkap nelayan Muangthai tersebut.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

3. Temperature
In known oceanographic two terms to determine the temperature of sea water temperature and potential temperature. Temperature is due to the nature of the activity termodinamis fluid molecules and atoms in the liquid. The greater the activity (energy), the higher the temperature. Temperature shows heat energy content. Heat energy and temperature are linked by specific heat energy. Specific heat energy itself can be interpreted simply as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of fluid for 1o. If the heat energy content of zero (no activity of atoms and molecules in the fluid) then the absolute temperature is zero (the Kelvin scale). So zero in the Kelvin scale is a condition in which there is absolutely no activity of atoms and molecules in a fluid. Sea water temperature at the surface is determined by the existence of warming (heating) in the tropics and cooling (cooling) in the high latitude regions. The price range is the temperature at sea-2o s.d. 35oC.
Pressure in the ocean will increase with increasing depth. A parcel of water moving from one pressure level to another level of pressure will experience stress (compression) or development (expansion). If the water parcel is mengalamai emphasis adiabatis (without the exchange of heat energy), then the temperature will increase. Conversely, if the parcel has water development (also adiabatis), then the temperature will decrease. Temperature changes that occur due to stress and this development is not a value we want to find, because in it there was no change of heat energy content. Therefore, if we want to compare the temperature of water at a pressure level with the other pressure levels, pressure effects and the development must be eliminated adiabatically. Therefore didefinisikanlah potential temperature, ie the temperature where water parcels have been moved by adiabatis to another level of pressure. At sea, the sea surface is usually used as a reference pressure for the potential temperature. So we compare the price of the temperature at different pressure levels if the parcel of water has been taken, without mixing and diffusion, to the sea surface. Because the pressure above the sea level is the lowest (compared to the pressure at the depth of the deeper ocean), the potential temperature (which is calculated on the pressure surface) will always be lower than actual temperature to be continued......

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

The equation above the 1902 year will provide salinity price of 0.03 o / oo if klorinitas equal to zero and this is very interesting and indicate a problem with the water samples used for laboratory measurement. Therefore, in 1969 UNESCO decided to repeat the determination of the relationship between salinity and klorinitas and introduce a new definition, known as absolute salinity using the formula:
S (o / oo) = 1.80655 Cl (o / oo) (1969)
However, from the repetition of this definition was obtained similar results with the previous definition.
Definition of salinity reviewed when techniques to determine salinity from measurements of conductivity, temperature and pressure developed. Since the year 1978, defined a new unit that is Practical Salinity Scale (Practical Salinity Scale) with the symbol S, as the ratio of the conductivity.
"Practical salinity of a seawater sample defined as the ratio of electrical conductivity (K) samples of sea water at a temperature of 15oC and atmospheric pressure for a standard solution of potassium chloride (KCl), where the mass of KCl is 0.0324356 at temperatures and pressures similar . The formula of this definition are:
S = 0.0080 - 0.1692 K1 / 2 + 25.3853 K + 14.0941 K3 / 2 - 7.0261 Y2 + 2.7081 K5 / 2
As a note: the use of this new definition, where the salinity is expressed as a ratio, the unit o / oo is no longer valid, 35o/oo value associated with the value in units of 35 practical. Some use the unit Oceanographer "PSU" in writing the price of salinity, which is an abbreviation of "practical Salinity units". Because the practical salinity is a ratio, then he really has no units, so the use of force "PSU" actually do not contain any meaning and is not required. In most of the equipment currently available, measuring salinity price is based on the results of conductivity measurements.
Salinity in the subpolar regions (ie the area above the subtropical regions closer to the poles) on the surface and lower increases in fixed (monotonic) with depth. In temperate regions (or semi-tropical, the area between 23.5 o - 23.5 o 40oLU or - 40oLS) salinity at the surface is greater than the amount of depth due to evaporation (evaporation). At a depth of about 500 to 1000 meters lower price and return salinitasnya a monotonic increase with depth. Meanwhile, in the tropics on the surface salinity is lower than in the depths of the high consequence of precipitation (rainfall)

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

2. Salinity
As already mentioned above, sea water contains 3.5% salts, dissolved gases, organic materials and particles had dissolved. The presence of salts affects the physical properties of seawater (density, compressibility, freezing, the temperature where the density becomes maximum) a few levels but did not specify. Some properties (viscosity, light absorption) was not significantly affected by salinity. Two properties are largely determined by the amount of salt in the sea is the electrical conductivity (conductivity) and osmotic pressure.
The main salts contained in seawater are chloride (55%), sodium (31%), sulfate (8%), magnesium (4%), calcium (1%), potassium (1%) and the rest (less than 1%) teridiri of bicarbonate, bromide, borak acid, strontium and fluoride. Three main sources of salts in the sea is the land of rock weathering, volcanic gases and the circulation of hydrothermal holes (hydrothermal vents) in the deep ocean.
Ideally, salinity is the sum of all salts in grams for each kilogram of sea water. In practical terms, to measure the salinity is difficult, therefore, salinity pricing is done by reviewing only the most important component of chloride (Cl). Chloride content of established in 1902 as the number of
grams of chloride ions in one kilogram of sea water if all the halogen is replaced by chloride. This reflects the determination of the chemical process of titration to determine chloride content.
Salinity is set in 1902 as the total number of grams of dissolved material in one kilogram of sea water when all carbonate converted to oxides, all bromide and iodine converted into chloride and all organic material is oxidized. Furthermore the relationship between salinity and chloride are determined through a series of basic laboratory measurement based on sea water samples around the world and is expressed as:
S (o / oo) = 0.03 +1805 Cl (o / oo) (1902)
Symbol o / oo (reads per mile) is a part per thousand. 3.5% salt content 35o/oo or equal to 35 grams of salt in one kilogram of sea water.
to be continued........

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Fisis properties of Sea Water ( 2 )

When frozen, the water molecules form a tetrahedron of volume expansion resulted in a sudden, with reduced density. Therefore, the water in the solid phase is much lighter than water in liquid phase, where it was a rare trait that we find. Consequently:
1. Ice will float. This is essential for life in freshwater lakes, because the ice acts as insulation against the release of heat energy (heat) so that the freezing of water from the surface to the bottom will not happen.
2. Density decreases rapidly at the time of the freezing point of water is reached. Expansion that occurs during freezing is the main cause of rock weathering.
3. Reduced freezing under pressure, resulting melting occurs at the base of the glacier that memudahan glacier flow.
4. Hydrogen chain broke under pressure, so the ice under pressure will be plastic, as a result of land ice in Antarctica and the Arctic ice flows off the mountain in the outer. Without this process, then all the water will be ice in the polar regions.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Fisis properties of Sea Water

Sea water is a mixture of pure water 96.5% and 3.5% other materials such as salts, dissolved gases, organic materials and particles had dissolved. Physical properties of sea water main is determined by the 96.5% pure water.
1. Pure Water properties
Pure water when compared with other fluids (with the same composition), has a unique character and extraordinary (Uncommon). This is the result of the molecular structure of water (H2O), in which hydrogen atoms which carry a positive 1 charge and oxygen atoms that carry a negative 2 charge atoms form a molecule in such a way in which atomic charges are not ternetralisir as the angle formed between the two hydrogen atom is only 105o (neutral conditions will be formed if the angle formed is 180o). As a result, pure water has properties as follows:
1. Water molecules are electric dipoles, which form a collection of molecules (polymers) with an average of 6 molecules at a temperature of 20oC. Therefore, the water reacts more slowly (to change) rather than individual molecules.
2. Water has a separate power enormous, as a result of dissolved material will increase electrical conductivity of water. Pure water having electrical conductivity is relatively low, but the sea water has a conductivity of pure water and copper. At temperatures 20oC, the drag (resistance) 1.3 sea miles (with a salt content of 3.5%) comparable to the pure water 1 millimeter.
3. 105o angle close to the tetrahedral angle, ie the structure with 4 arms that come out of the central atom with a uniform angle (for 109o28 '). As a result, the oxygen atoms in the water trying to get the 4 hydrogen atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This is called a hydrogen bond (hydrogen bond) that require the binding energy of 10 to 100 times smaller than the bonds that water molecules are more flexible in reaction to changing chemical conditions.
4. Tetrahedron has a nature of a wider network than the molecular composition of the nearest collection. They form a collection of one, two, four and eight molecules. At high temperatures one set of molecules and two more dominant, while with decreasing temperature, cluster (cluster) is more great is to be dominant. Larger bunches fill a smaller space than the same number of molecules with smaller bunches. As a result, the density

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Green Fishing

Many technologies used do not consider environmental sustainability includes environmental waters. Aquatic environment has become a victim of human activity caused by irresponsible, such as disposal of household waste and industrial pollution. The field of fisheries activities such as fishing using explosives, poisons and fishing equipment which endanger the sustainability of fish resources is also one of the factors that damage the aquatic environment. Fish resources, although including the resources that can be recovered (renewable resources), but not unlimited. Therefore needs to be managed in a responsible and sustainable so that its contribution to the availability of nutrients, increased social and economic welfare of society can be maintained and even enhanced. Management of fish resources is closely associated with the management of fishing operations and fishing targets performed. Efforts to preserve fish resources from the threat of extinction, has actually done a long time by many fishing experts around the world. For example, the fishing industry in the North Sea has made various efforts to reduce emissions of sideline catch (by catch) more than a hundred years ago.
In addition to the above, to preserve fish resources should also be seen from the use of the tools that fishing is environmentally friendly in terms of operation of fishing equipment, fishing areas and so forth in accordance with administrative responsibility for fisheries or the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF). Looking ahead, the trend of fishing technology development focused on technology-friendly fishing environment (environmental friendly fishing tecnology) with the hope of utilizing resources in a sustainable fishery. Fishing technology is an environmentally friendly fishing gears that do not give negative environmental dampat, namely the extent of damage to fishing equipment is basic waters, the possibility of loss of fishing equipment, as well as its contribution to pollution. Another factor is the impact of bio-diversity and resources of the target composition of the catch, the by catch and the capture of young fish.
Formulation of the Technical Guidelines (guidelines) Environment-Friendly Fishing intended as a reference in the use of technology, environmentally friendly fishing. This can be seen in terms of operating methods, materials and construction equipment, fishing areas and the availability of fish resources while maintaining environmental sustainability and fish resources. While the goal of making these Technical Guidelines are fisheries and fishermen of all parties engaged in the fishery waters spread across Indonesia to abide / comply with existing regulations and in operating fishing equipment while maintaining the environment and the preservation of fish resources.
Technical guide books environmentally friendly fishing is filled with fishing equipment which is environmentally friendly according to the criteria, namely: 1) Having a high selectivity, 2) low side catch (by catch); 3) high-quality catch; 4) No destructive / destroying habitat / environment; 5) Maintaining the biological diversity (biodiversity); 6) No catch of protected species / endangered species; 7) Operation of the fishing equipment does not endanger the fishermen; and 8) Do not make an arrest in the forbidden zone.