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Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Green Fishing

Many technologies used do not consider environmental sustainability includes environmental waters. Aquatic environment has become a victim of human activity caused by irresponsible, such as disposal of household waste and industrial pollution. The field of fisheries activities such as fishing using explosives, poisons and fishing equipment which endanger the sustainability of fish resources is also one of the factors that damage the aquatic environment. Fish resources, although including the resources that can be recovered (renewable resources), but not unlimited. Therefore needs to be managed in a responsible and sustainable so that its contribution to the availability of nutrients, increased social and economic welfare of society can be maintained and even enhanced. Management of fish resources is closely associated with the management of fishing operations and fishing targets performed. Efforts to preserve fish resources from the threat of extinction, has actually done a long time by many fishing experts around the world. For example, the fishing industry in the North Sea has made various efforts to reduce emissions of sideline catch (by catch) more than a hundred years ago.
In addition to the above, to preserve fish resources should also be seen from the use of the tools that fishing is environmentally friendly in terms of operation of fishing equipment, fishing areas and so forth in accordance with administrative responsibility for fisheries or the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF). Looking ahead, the trend of fishing technology development focused on technology-friendly fishing environment (environmental friendly fishing tecnology) with the hope of utilizing resources in a sustainable fishery. Fishing technology is an environmentally friendly fishing gears that do not give negative environmental dampat, namely the extent of damage to fishing equipment is basic waters, the possibility of loss of fishing equipment, as well as its contribution to pollution. Another factor is the impact of bio-diversity and resources of the target composition of the catch, the by catch and the capture of young fish.
Formulation of the Technical Guidelines (guidelines) Environment-Friendly Fishing intended as a reference in the use of technology, environmentally friendly fishing. This can be seen in terms of operating methods, materials and construction equipment, fishing areas and the availability of fish resources while maintaining environmental sustainability and fish resources. While the goal of making these Technical Guidelines are fisheries and fishermen of all parties engaged in the fishery waters spread across Indonesia to abide / comply with existing regulations and in operating fishing equipment while maintaining the environment and the preservation of fish resources.
Technical guide books environmentally friendly fishing is filled with fishing equipment which is environmentally friendly according to the criteria, namely: 1) Having a high selectivity, 2) low side catch (by catch); 3) high-quality catch; 4) No destructive / destroying habitat / environment; 5) Maintaining the biological diversity (biodiversity); 6) No catch of protected species / endangered species; 7) Operation of the fishing equipment does not endanger the fishermen; and 8) Do not make an arrest in the forbidden zone.

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