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Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


Fish jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni) Indonesian native fish in some rivers there are in Sumatra and Kalimantan. An economically important fish species is a favorite Indonesian society and even some neighboring countries. Including potential export commodity.
Looking at aspects of the seed needs of nature will still rely on seeding technology genius of this fish is an effort that enabled bullet. and this is a business opportunity that can generate big profits.
Fish Hatchery jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni)

Methods and How to

Gonad maturation
• Master kept in a special pool size 500-700 m 2 stocking 0,1-0,25 kg / m 2
• During maintenance, the mother talked of fish feed pellets with 25-28% protein content
• The feed is given as much as 3% of body weight with frequency 2-3 per day
• In addition to the feed pellets are also given in the form of greenery such as cassava leaves to taste
• Long maintenance of stem more or less 8 months
• Master of ready pijah obtained by selection

Spawning can be done scara jelawat natural and artificial. In this technology package made of artificial spawning.
• Up to diberok selected for one day
• hormone HCG injection and the pituitary gland of the female parent carried out 2 times
• injection I (PI): 1 dose of the pituitary gland plus 200 IU of HCG per parent female
• injection II (PII): 2 doses of the pituitary gland plus 300 IU per parent female
• interval between PI and PII, 5-6 hours
• Ovulation occurs between the hours of PI 10-1
• Eggs and sperm are sorted out in a way
• Fertilization of eggs made by mixing sperm and eggs in a plastic basin
• If the eggs have developed ready to be stored in containers hatching

• Solid tebar 400-500 eggs per liter
• During water hatcheries should be kept kialitasnya (4-8 ppm O2; pH 7,0-8,0; T :25-28 degrees C)
• The water temperature is 25-28 degrees C eggs will hatch 18-4 at conception setekah

Rearing Larvae
• Larvae preserved eggs placed directly
• shells and hatch eggs that are not cleaned penyiponan
• Day 3 larvae given Artemia feed Naupil (newly hatched) to taste
• Provision of feed 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening)
• Day 7 after hatching of fish seed is ready for the pool didederkan

• Preparation includes drying ponds 2-3 days, embankment repairs, making the center channel (kamalir) and fertilizing with a biological fertilizer of 500-700 grams per m2. Pool filled with water to a height of 80-100 cm. Revenue channels mounted on a hapa fine strainer to prevent entry of wild fish
• The seeds were scattered 3 days after water filling the pond with dense stocking 100-150 ekor/m2
• Fish seed flour given in the form of destruction of feed pellets at a dose of 10-20% per day which contains approximately 25% protein
• Long maintenance 2-3 weeks
• Seeds produced 2-3 cm size and ready for further pendederan

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