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Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

3. Temperature
In known oceanographic two terms to determine the temperature of sea water temperature and potential temperature. Temperature is due to the nature of the activity termodinamis fluid molecules and atoms in the liquid. The greater the activity (energy), the higher the temperature. Temperature shows heat energy content. Heat energy and temperature are linked by specific heat energy. Specific heat energy itself can be interpreted simply as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of fluid for 1o. If the heat energy content of zero (no activity of atoms and molecules in the fluid) then the absolute temperature is zero (the Kelvin scale). So zero in the Kelvin scale is a condition in which there is absolutely no activity of atoms and molecules in a fluid. Sea water temperature at the surface is determined by the existence of warming (heating) in the tropics and cooling (cooling) in the high latitude regions. The price range is the temperature at sea-2o s.d. 35oC.
Pressure in the ocean will increase with increasing depth. A parcel of water moving from one pressure level to another level of pressure will experience stress (compression) or development (expansion). If the water parcel is mengalamai emphasis adiabatis (without the exchange of heat energy), then the temperature will increase. Conversely, if the parcel has water development (also adiabatis), then the temperature will decrease. Temperature changes that occur due to stress and this development is not a value we want to find, because in it there was no change of heat energy content. Therefore, if we want to compare the temperature of water at a pressure level with the other pressure levels, pressure effects and the development must be eliminated adiabatically. Therefore didefinisikanlah potential temperature, ie the temperature where water parcels have been moved by adiabatis to another level of pressure. At sea, the sea surface is usually used as a reference pressure for the potential temperature. So we compare the price of the temperature at different pressure levels if the parcel of water has been taken, without mixing and diffusion, to the sea surface. Because the pressure above the sea level is the lowest (compared to the pressure at the depth of the deeper ocean), the potential temperature (which is calculated on the pressure surface) will always be lower than actual temperature to be continued......

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